This moment of mixture entreetnias will make with that the demographic index comes back to grow until the moment deestabilizao that happened in bigger predominance in century XVIII in ahead. This idea can be seen in the following ticket ‘ ‘ Ossobreviventes mestiaram – many times with the black Europeans and some comos cases. Having acquired in this way ‘ ‘ protection gentica’ ‘ quelhes lacked, the demographic growth recomeou’ ‘. 22 General Conclusions Admitting the complexity of the subject, which had to have different aboriginal diversasmatrizes and for consequence some situations distintasonde the epidemics had devastated with bigger ratio and in other localities they nomanifestaram – with severity, I can perceive how much such subject is transversal, because it approaches the supported object with one biological one, historical and geographic. Cadacaso shows its peculiarities, therefore as we are giving to it with beings quetentam to survive with the man, they are citizens to many Low demographic process of mestization between the indians and the other peoples, fortifying – ehavendo the return of the demographic increase. Such line follows a evolucionistado vision historical process, more admitite that possesss diversity of physical traces – cultural in these events.
Communist Manifesto
Marx Formed itself in right (1841), but was fascinated for philosophy. The German philosophical way then is dominated by the ideas of Hegel; some groups start to use the hegelianas ideas from an atheistic system (119-120). From 1842 it acts as journalist; studying the ideas of Feuerbach he makes a releitura of Hegel and he starts to conceive a proper system. So far the philosophers alone had interpreted the world; it is hour to transform it. (Marx) Engels lived two years in England and folloied of close the conditions to life of the rising English proletarian classroom (132). When Engels published its conclusions, in 1844, Marx wrote to it; soon partners had become (137). Marx developed the idea of the conflict of classrooms as motor of history in 1845. In 1847-48 he leaves the Communist Manifesto; the text presents a general theory of history, an analysis of the European society and a program of revolutionary action.
They participate of the revolutionary agitation of 1848. Edmund Wilson makes a critical analysis of the marxist thought, and of as the Marx/Engels badly had been interpreted by many marxists; it takes for example the question of the dialectic; Marx uses the term not as the argumentativo method of Scrates, but from the beginning of the change considered for Hegel. For German philosopher the dialectic is a law that in such a way conducts the domnios of the logic as the natural world and history; according to it all processes of change possess a uniformity element: they cross a cycle of three phases; the first phase (thesis) is the process of affirmation and unification; after that it comes the dissociao and negation of the thesis (antithesis); porfim occurs a conciliation between thesis and antithesis (synthesis). Applied to the historical process, Hegel cites as example the Republic Roman (thesis); the antithesis is represented by the civil wars and the crisis of the republican model; the synthesis is the implantation of an autocratic order, the Roman Empire.