
Infantile and marcante individual history and its traces subsistem, in the adult man. This first intuition was systemize by Freud in its initial works when rejecting successively explanation ' ' nervosa' ' of the mental upheavals and the assumption of the neurosis for the hereditary succession. It sees in the transformations of infancy the origin of the upheavals of the adults. For imitation, assay and error, conditioning and the reasoning. The reasoning is the only exclusive form of the human being, therefore the animals learn for imitation, assay and error, conditioning and ' ' insight' ' 3. Imitation: imitation simply means to repeat the behavior of another creature. Assay and error: as the proper term already implies, assay and error mean to try until obtaining the objective. Conditioning: to explain the conditioning, simplest and to cite the classic experience of Pavlov, a Russian fisiologista: It placed the food close to the dog, at the same time that he touched a buzzer or he lit a red light.

After repeating the situation, some times, it touched the buzzer or only it lit the light and, automatically, the dog salivava, if, the presena of the food. The light and the sound had started to be artificial stimulatons. The connection that if made in it I celebrate of the dog, between the food and the light or sound, took it conditional reply, that is, to a new behavior learned with the concurrence of the natural stimulatons more the artificial stimulatons. Insight: term that does not have translation adjusted in the Portuguese, and a sudden understanding of the situation, when some dumb thing in our percipient field we find the solution for one definitive problem. Reasoning: this and one form to learn exclusive of the human being. It demands a mental operation, is necessary to foresee, to judge, to plan.